Afternoon Tea | Vintry & Mercer London
Video presentation of the “Afternoon Tea” offer for the Hotel Vintry & Mercer.
In the area of content creation, the fruits of aerial photography, video production, etc. flow together and develop into a new whole.
You will receive ready-made content from me prepared and coordinated according to your specifications, which you only need to upload to the various platforms. If you wish, I can also upload and incorporate graphics into videos for you.
I have extensive know-how in the field of marketing, including for YouTube and social media series, such as regular presentations of individual employees, repeated measures and much more. I can respond very well to your individual needs. I would be happy to briefly discuss your concerns with you and advise you without obligation before an offer. Call me right now.
Your benefit: Everything from a single source and freed up resources. Attractive content perfectly tailored to your target group.
About Tera Beauty | Beauty Salon Zürich
Presentation of Jelena – founder of Tera Beauty
Migros Fitness Motivation | BACKTOLIFTING
Motivational video series for Migros Fitness
Migros Fitness Motivation | IMMUNITYBOOST
Motivational video series for Migros Fitness
Social Media Teaser | Migros Fitness | Explanatory series nutritional science
Teaser video for the Migros Fitness nutrition series
Me or you | Stephan & Verena | Gemeinde Pratteln
Video series “Me or you” for the municipality of Pratteln
Interview with employees | Peter Bärfuss | Pratteln municipality
Video series “Interview with employees” for the municipality of Pratteln
Annual review 2020 | Pratteln municipality
Annual review 2020 of the municipality of Pratteln
Screw You | Acoustic | Moment of Madness
Music video of the acoustic version of “Screw You” by Moment of Madness